Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Chapter 3-4

Chapter 3
How and where do Julia and Winston meet?
In an abandon church.
What is Julia’s job?
Novel-writings machine in the fiction department. 
What is her background?
She is 26 lives at a hostel with a bunch of other girl, she didn't like reading, but liked working with her hands on machinery. Was part of the Junior Anti-Sex League, she also worked on Pornosec.
What is her attitude toward the Party?
She hates them but she deals with it to keep living because she doesn't know anything else. 
Describe the quote “ With Julia, everything came back to her own sexuality. As soon as this was touched upon in any way she was capable of great acuteness”. What does Winston think about Julia?
Winston likes Julia but Julia only wants to have sex because it is betraying the party and she likes that. 
Why does the Party think the sexual impulse as well as the familial love dangerous?
Because that brings unity and Big Brother doesn't want love or unity among the people. 
Chapter 4
How does Winston react to the singing Prole woman?
He likes the singing and carefree feeling of her singing, but the song was made by the party and he hates that, the girl represents rebellion, but it can't be shown because the lyrical content of Big Brother.
What pleasures of the senses are mentioned in this chapter? What is Orwell’s point in mentioning them?
Taste the food, Sight everything around them, touch themselves, smell of perfume and food, it shows that they are not robots because they receive pleasure from there senses robots can't feel that. 
What is Winston’s reaction to rats? Julia’s reaction?
Winston hates them because they remind him of bad memories, Julia can deal with them but will try to get rid of them. 
Winston is interested in the church bells that once played in the city even though he is not religious. What do church bells mean to him?
The church bell means memories of Winston and before Big Brother. 
Winston sees the coral paperweight as a symbol of what?
That the room is a sanctuary or safe haven for them because when there in the room there carefree, not worried, and happy.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Book 2 Chapter 1-2

 Chapter 1
How does Winston react to the note from Julia before he reads it?
He is scared he doesn't know what it is or why he would get it.
How does Winston react to the note after he reads it?
He doesn't know what to think of Julie because he doesn't have that much information on her. 
Where do they manage to talk for the first time?
They talk at the lunch table to meet at the local square when there is a bunch of people. 
Where do they plan to meet?
The Golden Country, or somewhere where Big Brother can't see them
What do Winston and Julia do before they part?
They hold hands. 
Chapter 2
Why is Winston ill at ease once he is alone with Julia?
He didn't want to have physical action with her because he thought that she was to good or to fair. 
What does Julia bring with her that she has obtained on the black market?
What are Julia’s ideas about the Party?
She hates the party and inner party, she swears when she talks about them
What familiar sign does Winston find?
The hill and trail remember it leads to a stream 
What is the significance of the thrush music?
He wants to break free from Big Brother he relates to the music 
What does Winston mean when he says that he loves Julia all the more because she has had scores of sexual encounters?
The reason is because the sexual encounters are betraying Big Brother and Winston likes that. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Ch 8 questions

1. Why does Winston go off on his own? What activities is he missing out on?
He misses out on Community center because no one is really suppose to be alone except in bed.
2. What is life like in the proles’ end of London?
It is like the ghetto for all the lower poor classman and random bombings happen, its where most people are illiterate 
3. What does Winston think about after his conversation with the old man in the pub?
That the people back in his time haven't totally forgotten the actual history they just know certain memories. 
4. What does Winston discover at Mr. Charrington’s shop?
He buys glass for four bucks 
5. What is Mr. Charrington like?
He is nice old man 
6. What does Winston think when he sees the dark-haired girl outside Mr. Charrington’s shop?
He thinks he is being spied on and will be sent to torturing
7. How does one’s own body betray a person?
The body freezes whenever it could be the worst time.
8. Why does Winston wonder about church bells ringing in London?
Because he remembers the past and hasn't heard anything like the bells for a long time 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ch 5-7 questions

1. What is the problem with obtaining razor blades?
That its not that there are any Big Brother believes that they are not a necessity for life. 
2. What is revealed about Inner Party philosophy in the discussion between Winston and Syme?
That they are trying to get rid of the english language or to change it to show no emotion. 
3. Why does Winston feel that Syme will be vaporized?
Syme is way to smart to live in this world.
4. Parsons brags about his children for doing what?
Being spy's and sending a random guy who looked different to jail. 
5. What is the significance of the telescreen announcement?
That it doesn't make since because production increased while the chocolate rations were lessened.
6. What are Winston’s feelings about the present time after he hears the cheerful announcement on the telescreen?
That the world is screwed up because he is double thinking, and he knows something is screwed up with Big Brother. 
7. Winston predicts that certain people will be vaporized and that certain people will never be vaporized. Who? Why?
Mrs. Parsons because her kids turn her in, Mr. Parsons will not because he is just a party guy, Julie won't because Winston thinks she is "thought-police," Syme will because he is to smart, O'Brien because he thinks the same as Winston. 
8. What is the purpose of marriage in the state?
The only reason for marriage is so the population can continue 
9. What do Winston’s memories about visiting a prostitute reveal about his attitudes towards sex in Oceania?
He is disgusted by it because he didn't like it when his wife did it with him or when he did with the prostitute he just wanted it though. 
10. How does Winston view the proles?
That they are dumb animals that really can be powerful and stop big brother but they won't because they don't know how. 
11. How are the proles controlled (prole control)?
Isolation and a lot of work to tire the proles and mindless entertainment. 
12. What lies/half-truths does the Party teach about history?
They don't bring up who helped with the revolution, and bring up capitalist.
13. Winston suspects that the Party lies about progress made since the war. What Party claims does he doubt?
That there were 15% illiterate, and the city itself was way worse.  
14. What is the story of Aaronson, Jones and Rutherford?
That they go to court and confess to some crimes 
15. Why is this story so meaningful for Winston?
Because he finds a picture of "Times," where Aaronson, Jones, and Rutherford were part of the Big Brother party. 
16. What is Winston’s unanswered question?
I understand HOW: I want to understand WHY: 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Ch 3-4 1984

Book One, Chapters 3-4

1. What is Winston’s dream about his mother? How does he feel about himself in that dream?

That he lost his sister and mom, but he hates that he didn't show more love or respect to her. 
2. What is his dream about the "Golden Country"?

That it is a free, sunny, nice, a better place to live. 
3. What does he remember about the big events of the past? Bombs? Past Wars?

He remembers a war happening and thats what caused Big Brother.
4. Explain the Party slogan, "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."

Who controls the past can hint towards what happens in the future, and who is in control now knows how to control the past the people who control the present control the future technically. 
5. What does he know about the legends concerning Big Brother?

That Big Brother controls the past and everything else now.
6. Describe Winston’s job.

He changes the past to suit more of Big Brother so that Big Brother lasts forever
7. How is the past controlled?

Because the government can change history itself 
8. What special literature, music, and entertainment is produced for the proletariat (proles)?

Anything really to keep there minds off the real problem of the world
9. How does Winston feel about his work? What sort of "creativity" is involved?

He likes his works because there his ideas and he is writing a story he is the writer basically in this world because history is just a story.
10. What is the significance of Comrade Ogilvy?

He is a great hero to everyone, but he technically didn't exist and it shows how big brother controls history and the past. 

Ch 1 & 2 1984

Book One, Chapters 1-2

1. What bothers Winston?

Julie and everything that has to do with Big Brother 
2. What is wrong with his society?

The public are being controlled by the government, being watched, can't think on there own, past is being changed. 
3. What are the three slogans of the Inner Party?

Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength 
4. What are the four ministries?

Truth, Peace, Love, Plenty 
5. What items are written in italics?

The diary whatever is written in the dairy.
6. How does the Two Minute Hate work?

They are suppose to be lunatics and just hate the enemy of their country and not even know that the government is the enemy. 
7. What happens to Winston during the chant?

He tries act regular to the people, which is he trying to be crazy or psychotic 
8. What happens between O’Brien and Winston?

O'Brien looked at Winston, as if O'Brien is with Winston, against Big Brother, or share some of the same views. 
9. During the film (p. 11), how did the audience react?

They Chant BB and go crazy over what they are viewing on the screen. 
10. What is "thoughtcrime"?
To think bad about Big Brother, or anything against what Big Brother stands for. 
11. What are the Thought Police?

They arrest people who think bad about Big Brother or against them
12. Who are the Parsons and what do they represent?

They represent a family growing up in this world
13. How do the Parsons’ children behave?

Like little brats who are mean to everyone but Big Brother
14. What is Winston's dream about O’Brien?

That O'Brien said in a dark area "We shall meet in a place of no darkness."
15. What is announced on the news? (p. 25)

The country won a great battle at the price of reduced chocolate, and chocolate brings happiness