Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ch 5-7 questions

1. What is the problem with obtaining razor blades?
That its not that there are any Big Brother believes that they are not a necessity for life. 
2. What is revealed about Inner Party philosophy in the discussion between Winston and Syme?
That they are trying to get rid of the english language or to change it to show no emotion. 
3. Why does Winston feel that Syme will be vaporized?
Syme is way to smart to live in this world.
4. Parsons brags about his children for doing what?
Being spy's and sending a random guy who looked different to jail. 
5. What is the significance of the telescreen announcement?
That it doesn't make since because production increased while the chocolate rations were lessened.
6. What are Winston’s feelings about the present time after he hears the cheerful announcement on the telescreen?
That the world is screwed up because he is double thinking, and he knows something is screwed up with Big Brother. 
7. Winston predicts that certain people will be vaporized and that certain people will never be vaporized. Who? Why?
Mrs. Parsons because her kids turn her in, Mr. Parsons will not because he is just a party guy, Julie won't because Winston thinks she is "thought-police," Syme will because he is to smart, O'Brien because he thinks the same as Winston. 
8. What is the purpose of marriage in the state?
The only reason for marriage is so the population can continue 
9. What do Winston’s memories about visiting a prostitute reveal about his attitudes towards sex in Oceania?
He is disgusted by it because he didn't like it when his wife did it with him or when he did with the prostitute he just wanted it though. 
10. How does Winston view the proles?
That they are dumb animals that really can be powerful and stop big brother but they won't because they don't know how. 
11. How are the proles controlled (prole control)?
Isolation and a lot of work to tire the proles and mindless entertainment. 
12. What lies/half-truths does the Party teach about history?
They don't bring up who helped with the revolution, and bring up capitalist.
13. Winston suspects that the Party lies about progress made since the war. What Party claims does he doubt?
That there were 15% illiterate, and the city itself was way worse.  
14. What is the story of Aaronson, Jones and Rutherford?
That they go to court and confess to some crimes 
15. Why is this story so meaningful for Winston?
Because he finds a picture of "Times," where Aaronson, Jones, and Rutherford were part of the Big Brother party. 
16. What is Winston’s unanswered question?
I understand HOW: I want to understand WHY: 

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